Annual First Aid Refresher

This refresher course will help in keeping you up-to-date with any changes to protocols.

Who should attend?

Although it is not mandatory, the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) strongly recommend that qualified first aiders undertake an annual refresher course in order to keep their skills up-to-date and refreshed.

How long is an Annual First Aid Refresher course?

A minimum of 3 hours, consisting of theoretical and practical activities

What is covered in an annual first aid refresher course?

This course provides basic life saving first aid skills and knowledge of workplace health and safety regulations, covering:

  • Responsibilities

  • Primary Assessment

  • Recovery Position

  • Recuscitarion

  • Communication skills

  • Top-to-toe survey

  • Action for vomit

  • Chain of Survival

  • Wounds and bleeding

  • Hygiene

  • Bandaging

Assessment and Certification

Assessment is on-going from the instructor and will include practical demonstrations. The certificate will be valid for 3 years.

How many students can attend a first aid refresher course?

A maximum of 12 students are allowed per one instructor and must be a minimum of 14 years of age. We can train more than 12 students in one session however we will need to bring in another instructor which will naturally affect the cost of the course.

A student cannot assume a responsibility in the workplace until they reach the age of 16.

Contact us


M: +447725332224